
Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #1-#5

Created by Brenton Lengel

Snow White awakens to Prince Charming's Kiss...28 days later. The next installment of the Ringo Award-nominated dark fantasy series.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

12 Hours Left! Cameos & Pressworks FLASH SALE Up to 50% + Marx & Signa
11 months ago – Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 03:48:17 PM

Very quick update for you. We have:

Alright, so this is really cool: you guys know about those badass magic coins I made? 

These are NOT your regular kickstarter coin: these are REAL CHALLENGE COINS are HEAVY, FULLY 3D, and Hyper-detailed . IF we can get this campaign to at least $1400 I will be releasing a THIRD.

The coin will be bonze, and feature Queen Sküld Half-Elven. The design of the coin will be based on historic viking coins (including that of Eric Bloodaxe) and Icelandic Krónur:

CAMEO + Pressworks FLASH SALE:

To help us break $14,000, the following levels/add-ons are discounted HEAVILY:

These are all SUPER High-End. They have never been this affordable, and potentially never will again. Grab them ASAP as most are EXTREMELY LIMITED.


Signa is a SUPER COOL project by some industry greats that ABSOLUTELY deserves your support:

If you're into SCIFI (or think you COULD be) Absolutely show them some love!

MARX (No, not THAT Marx)

Onrie is a supporter of SWZA and a buddy of mine from WAAAY back. He's doing something really REALLY cool, a personal story from his own family history about a Soviet soldier  named "Marx" surviving WW2:

Onrie has done some really cool books like the recent War Lion series that I also pitched here, and Yi Sun-sin

He's got five days to go and is halfway to his goal. Go grab this awesome and poignant story of survival and support history comics getting their moment in the sun!

That's it! Happy pledging!

Final Week + NEW *EXTREMELY RARE* Add-Ons
11 months ago – Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 10:56:00 AM

Hey everyone,

So, we are now in our final week. With less than six days to go we are ALMOST to our goal. Just $800 left. 

To help us bridge this last hurdle, I've added TWO brand-new never before offered premiums. They are:

The Frog Prince Painting:

So, our NEWEST cover artist Dominique Kennedy did something REALLY cool. As part of her process designing the frog prince cover, she painted an actual painting:

Acrylic on Canvas, 9" x 12"

Which she then digitally altered into this badass cover:

I don't know anyone else in comics who works like this, and I think it's super cool! But that means that now...we have a painting. Exactly one. Never to be painted again.

You can pick this up for $200, and as a special added bonus you get a signed copy of Dominiques's  variant cover absoltely free!

But there's only one, so act fast!

Rogue "Helios" Edit:

If you've followed me for any amount of time, you'll know that my writing partner is Rogue of Crüxshadows. We have been working on a fantasy novel together for TEN YEARS. We actually released the very preview chapter Afterall: into the Void at dragoncon this past year!

If you're brand new, (or have been living under a rock) Rogue is the Frontman and lead singer for Goth/Darkwave band The Crüxshadows, which, in 2005, beat out Madonna and Beyonce for the #1 dance hit in the world!

Here he is performing "Home" one of the most popular songs off "Astromythology" which is (IMHO) one of the best albums of the past two decades:

What alot of people DON'T know, is that Rogue is ALSO a very accomplished Mixed media artist. AND as his likeness appears on the SWZA Tarot card "Helios" (The Sun) Rogue took the incredible work of Eisner-Winner Luana Vecchio and added his own twist in the form of a 12" x 18" poster...and guys. It is awesome:

1 of 100, bearing both mine and Rogue's Signature. 

Just so you guys can see how cool this thing is Rogue didn't just alter the image he embossed it and secret images and symbols inside an extra, limited layer of gloss, that is otherwise invisible until it catches the light:

There are exactly FIVE of these available through this campaign. Grab them NOW because I don't know when or if I'll be able to get more.

Undead Evil:

So, Asylum Press has been featured in our updates before. They're a fun, scrappy company that consistently puts out some absolutely bone-chilling titles. So if you're looking for your classic Lovecraftian Horror fix, DEFINITELY check em out:


Whelp, that's it for now, let's get those pledges up and share this campaign with all the cool people you know! Hopefully after the next update we'll have hit $12,000!



SWZA #5 Over 60% Funded!
12 months ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 01:29:14 PM

We're doing it folks!

Thank you all so much for all the enthusiasm you have showed. I have a very quick update that I'm writing before leaving for Indiana Comicon. If you're in the area come by and see my editor Andrea Molinari at the Scout booth!

Very quickly, while the response on day 1 was phenomenal, things slowed a bit. As I am not one who lets speeping zombies lay, I'm introducing an incredible deal: you can get the SWZA Vol. 1 Delux Hardcover MISPRINT for just $35 as a level OR you can add one onto you order for just $30!

Can you believe that?  I won't even be charging additional shipping to add it on to orders within the United States and only $20 additional for European orders (The weight of the book increases the cost of shipping internationally considerably) 

We are essentially giving the book away at-cost, so the books are limited to only 100 (50 as a level and 50 as an add-on) Pledge/add them on NOW so you don't miss out in this incredible deal, and give the campaign the shot in the arm it needs to raise the remaining $5500!
